“Searching for quality and timely working printing house we tried out many printing-houses. After we have printed a brochure at Judex, afterwards we have ordered another one, and still another one, and eventually Judex became our “staff” printing-house: all the works ordered are always high-quality and timely done. It is worth noting that prices at Judex are really attractive and competitive – very rarely other printing-houses can offer the same or lower prices. Threfore we recommend Judex as a trustworthy and reliable partner".

Vytautas Žydonis,
Manager of UAB Krinona

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UAB „Judex spauda“


Europos pr. 96C, LT-46351 Kaunas



Tel: +37061427267, +370 687 85305

e-mail: info@judex.lt


Bank account: LT837180900008467816

AB Šiaulių bankas


Company code 133208159

VAT Payer’s code LT332081515


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JUDEX spauda
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